Fertility Treatments for Cancer Patients


New research has confirmed live births following fertility preservation using in-vitro maturation of ovarian tissue oocytes.

What does this mean?

It’s the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue, the extraction of eggs from the tissue, growing these eggs outside of the body before fertilizing them with sperm and implanting an embryo back into the uterus- achieving a pregnancy. Wow!

New research has found that it’s possible AND sucessfull! The first live births have been reported. 

This is incredible news, meaning that in urgent fertility preservation cases such as cancer patients, eggs extracted from previously frozen ovarian tissue and matured in vitro (outside of the body) can achieve a healthy child. 

In a small series, the live birth rate per patient after ovarian tissue oocyte in-vitro maturation (OTO-IVM), ICSI and embryo transfer was 43%. It was a small sample size which is important to note as a limitation but nonetheless, this is incredible work. 

Don't you just love news like this!

Link to the study is here.


Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA Test)


Egg Freezing in Ireland